Are you on the volunteer database?

The Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group (CDG) regularly works on 14 festivals and events and 10 community-betterment projects, with as many as 40 individual committees and projects going at any one time.

All projects are managed by a group of 477 volunteers, people who live and work in Mount Vernon and Lisbon and care about their communities.

Signing up for the volunteer list is easy.  Go three-fourths of the way down the right side of the Main page of the CDG website,, and you will see the sign up to volunteer button. When you or your family members sign up, they will be put on a google docs list that is accessed every time volunteers are needed.  It’s easy.

This Saturday is the Chili Cook-off, more volunteers are needed. Sign up online or contact Chili Cook-off Committee Chair Lori Winder at [email protected]



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