The Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group (CDG), a Main Street Iowa Organization, will be hosting its 10th annual volunteer recognition celebration on Tuesday, August 21, and are looking for suggestions from the larger community to help honor community volunteers.
The annual recognition event honors Volunteer of the Year, Business of the Year, Committee of the Year and Citizen of the Year. Any citizen of either community is welcome to send a 250-word (or less) essay to CDG in honor of any living resident of either community.
Awards should be considered for businesses and individuals that demonstrate these three things:
1) Recipient’s volunteerism reflects the mission of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group which is “To promote and develop the business environment, including but not limited to our Main Street District, and enhance the quality of life in the communities we serve.”
2) Recipient(s) excel(s) at offering exemplary service to the communities of Mount Vernon and/or Lisbon.
3) Recipient(s) regularly contribute(s) to the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group through volunteer hours and/or monetary investment.
The CDG Organization Committee and the CDG Board will consider all proposals received by June 30. All submissions should be sent to the CDG Organization Committee, P.O. Box 31, Mount Vernon, Iowa 52314 or via email to [email protected]. Questions should be directed to Joe Jennison at (319) 210-9935.