Chalk the Walk committee announces 2016 winners

The 2016 Chalk the Walk committee has announced the winners of the 2016 Chalk the Walk event. This year’s judge was Gloria Deanne Warnholtz Wortman from Iowa City, who is the Director of the Virginia A. Myers NEXUS of Engineering and the Arts and an adjunct Assistant Professor, Printmaking, Foil Imaging, at the University of Iowa.

The committee wishes to thank all 130 registered artists and artist teams for making this year’s festival such a great success!

Smaller Chalk the Walk 2016 6

1st Place | #32 | Tyler and Alexa Roos, The Selfie

2nd Place | #28 | Kathy Kyle

2nd Place | #79 | Hanna Brockmeyer

3rd Place | #89 | Paul and Abby Goslin

3rd Place | #91 | David and Sophia Malcolm

3rd Place | #94 | Jacob S. Putnam

Honorable Mentions


Mount Vernon Elementary/ Middle School Students

#7 Dean Wicklund

#8 Shauna and Nora Dye, Lyla Glaza


The Larson Family (Mike Larson, Connor & Owen Larson, Emma & Evan Larson)

#25 Dallas and Nic Olberding

#30 Haley and Mark Krob

#41 Chelsey Kayse, Kim Dean

#46 Linda Bild

#58 Girl Scout Troop 5456, Mount Vernon 3rd Grade

#60 Audi Eichhorn

#77 Andy and Parker Whitham

#83 Danielle Lensen

#90 Dimmer Family

#96 Susan Hargus

#118 Journey Dawa

#119 Matt Heck

Artist’s Choice | #30 | Mark and Haley Krob

People’s Choice | #38 | Ethan Durin

People’s Choice | #110 | Casey Kasparek


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