Dates of Mount Vernon-Lisbon festivals and events for 2016 announced

Mount Vernon-Lisbon CDG announces dates of 2016 major events and festivals

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The Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group (CDG), a Main Street Iowa organization, today announced the dates of several major festivals and events that will be taking place in Mount Vernon and Lisbon throughout Calendar Year 2016.

The CDG is one of several organizations in both communities that create and manage community festivals and events in the Mount Vernon-Lisbon area. Almost all of the festivals listed below are managed by a large, dedicated team of volunteer committees.

More information is available at

Pi Day Fundraiser

March 14


Easter Egg Dash

March 26


Clean-up Day Lisbon                      

April 16


Clean-up Day MV                            

April 30


Cornell College Commencement Weekend

May 6 through 8


Chalk the Walk                                 

May 7 and 8


Mount Vernon and Lisbon High School Graduation

May 22


Memorial Day Services                 

May 30


Chocolate Stroll               

June 4 


Music on Main                                 

Select Saturday in June 


City-wide Garage Sales

June 18


Lisbon Party in the Park

June 18


4th of July Antique Extravaganza                   

July 4


Heritage Days                                   

July 7, 8, 9


City-wide Garage Sales                                 

August 6


Lisbon Sauerkraut Days                

August 12-13


Music on Main                                 

Select Saturday in August


Volunteer Recognition Disco Party          

August 16


Lisbon Fireman’s Breakfast

Sept. 5


Lincoln Highway Arts Fest            

Sept. 24


10th Anniversary Chili Cook-off                                  

Oct. 15


Cornell Homecoming                     

Oct. 21-23


Lisbon Halloweentown                 

Oct. 31  


Art Walk 2016

Nov. 5


Mount Vernon-Lisbon Small Business Saturday             

Nov. 26    


Magical Night                                    

Dec. 1    


Holiday Jubilee                 

Dec. 10


About the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group

The Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group exists to improve the social and economic well-being of Mount Vernon and Lisbon by capitalizing on their unique identity, assets and character. Mount Vernon was selected as a Main Street community in 2008, and practices economic development within the context of historic preservation.


About Main Street

The Main Street Approach is a copyrighted process of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.  The Program has been used in Iowa since 1986 with a total of 56 communities having participated.  Mount Vernon was selected as a Main Street community on March 4, 2008 by the State of Iowa, after submitting a comprehensive application and presenting to a select board of reviewers.


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