Featured MV-L Business: Bauman & Co.

Featured Business of the Day

NOTE FROM EDITOR: This is part of a new feature meant to bring attention to the MV-L business community as we move beyond quarantine. If interested in having your business listed in this space, contact Joe Jennison at [email protected]

Bauman & Co.

124 1st St. SW, Mount Vernon


Owner(s):            Josh and Olivia Randall

Hours:                   10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

                                Special appointments can be made outside of appointment window

                                Check back frequently as hours will continue to change as the weeks go on

Contact:               (319) 895-8692, store

                                (319) 895-8861 (Randalls’ home phone)





Online sales:      Posting select items on shopwereyoulive.com

                                Albums of select merchandise displayed on Facebook


Also:                      Free local delivery available

                                Shipping available


Safety:                  Disposable masks and gloves are available at store

                                Masks are required for fittings

                                Employees wear masks around customers

                                Wipe down counters between each customer

                                Hand sanitizer available at the door

                                No more than 5 customers will be allowed in at any given time


CDG special:       10% off your total purchase of any amount

Questions re: this feature? Contact Joe Jennison at [email protected]


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