The Annual Heritage Days Festival, Mount Vernon’s biggest summer festival, will take place Friday and Saturday, July 9 and 10.
The event will be produced by the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group (CDG) in partnership with the Mount Vernon Alumni Association, the City of Mount Vernon, Kernoustie Golf Club and several other local organizations.
A large feasibility committee made up of concerned residents and alumni have been meeting over the past few months to create a written proposal detailing what the annual festival might look like as a CDG event. The proposal was approved Wednesday, April 14, at the monthly meeting of the CDG board of directors.
Changes proposed to the festival include moving it from a three-day event to a two-day event, meaning the Kernoustie events that would have historically taken place on Thursday night, will now take place on Friday night, July 9. It also has been proposed that the carnival no longer be a part of the event.
“CDG’s mission is two-fold: to promote and develop the business environment of Mount Vernon and Lisbon, and to enhance the quality of life in the communities we serve,” said Joe Jennison, Director of Main Street and Marketing for the CDG. “We remain a volunteer organization focused on helping where needed in this community. We were happy to step up and step in, and are confident that we can create a successful event.”
A complete Heritage Days schedule will be available soon at
A food vendor application is available here:Â
About Mount Vernon
Historic Mount Vernon, Iowa, is the home to 4500 residents, including 1200 college students enrolled at Cornell College. Located in Eastern Iowa at the intersection of Highways 30 and 1, 20 miles north of Iowa City and 15 miles east of Cedar Rapids, it boasts a vibrant uptown business community with numerous antique and specialty stores, restaurants, coffee houses, art galleries, and three National Historic Districts.
About the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group
The Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group exists to improve the social and economic well-being of Mount Vernon and Lisbon by capitalizing on their unique identity, assets and character. Mount Vernon was selected as a Main Street community in 2008, and practices economic development within the context of historic preservation.
About Main Street
The Main Street Approach is a copyrighted process of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The Program has been used in Iowa since 1986 with a total of 56 communities having participated. Mount Vernon was selected as a Main Street community on March 4, 2008 by the State of Iowa, after submitting a comprehensive application and presenting to a select board of reviewers.