The Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group (CDG) today announced that Main Street Iowa Design Specialist Tim Reinders will present a Signage Workshop on Wednesday, April 13, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the library of the First Street Community Center, 221 1st St. NE, Mount Vernon.
Hosted by the CDG Design Committee, the event has been tailored specifically to the needs of Mount Vernon Design Committee volunteers, but all are welcome to attend.
Reinders plans to offer an overview of signage challenges and best practices and, at the request of the Design Committee, will focus on these three areas:
- Wayfinding/Branding
     2. Administrative and Regulation Signage (parking etc.)
     3. Business Signage
A catered luncheon will be offered. All who plan to come must RSVP to take part through CDG Director Joe Jennison at 319-210-9935, or through email at [email protected]