CDG receives IEDA $100,000 Grant for Old Fire Station

Project to be used by MV Brews LLC to restore Old Fire Station on Main Street

The Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) has awarded $925,000 in Main Street Iowa Challenge Grants to several communities around the state, including $100,000 to the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group (CDG). According to IEDA “the grants help redevelop or rehabilitate underused buildings as a way to stimulate economic growth and further investment in Iowa’s historic main streets.”

Mount Vernon is one of 10 communities to win this rehabilitation grant, which will be used locally for a complete renovation of the old fire station in Mount Vernon’s Main Street District. The fire station, recently purchased by MV Brews, LLC, is owned by a three-person partnership, headed by local entrepreneur Meridith Hoffman.

The grants are administered through IEDA’s Iowa Downtown Resource Center and Main Street Iowa programs, including Mount Vernon’s CDG, the organization that manages the local Main Street program.

“The Main Street Iowa Challenge grants help us revitalize and reinvest in our traditional commercial districts, which is good business,” said IEDA and Iowa Finance Authority Director Debi Durham. “It’s good for our economy and good for our state. These projects will bring new businesses and new residents to our downtown districts.”

“We are thrilled to receive this Challenge Grant and get started on this project,” said Hoffman, spokesperson for MV Brews, LLC. “This grant will be used for Phase I of the project, which includes a new roof, new doors/windows, tuckpointing, insulation, electrical, pest and mold remediation, cement work, HVAC and plumbing.”

Since the first Challenge Grants were awarded in 2002, about $14.6 million in funds have leveraged more than $68.3 million in further investment. This is the 7th IEDA dollar-for-dollar Challenge grant that has been awarded to the downtown projects through the CDG since Mount Vernon became a Main Street Community in 2008.

About Mount Vernon

Historic Mount Vernon, Iowa, is home to 4500 residents, including 1200 college students enrolled at Cornell College. Located in Eastern Iowa at the intersection of Highways 30 and 1, 20 miles north of Iowa City and 15 miles east of Cedar Rapids, it boasts a vibrant uptown business community with numerous antique and specialty stores, restaurants, coffee houses, commercial art galleries, and three National Historic Districts.

About the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group
The Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group exists to improve the social and economic well-being of Mount Vernon and Lisbon by capitalizing on their unique identity, assets, and character. Mount Vernon was selected as a Main Street community in 2008, and practices economic development within the context of historic preservation.

About Main Street
The Main Street Approach is a copyrighted process of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.  The Program has been used in Iowa since 1986 with a total of 56 communities having participated.  Mount Vernon was selected as a Main Street community on March 4, 2008, by the State of Iowa, after submitting a comprehensive application and presenting to a select board of reviewers.

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