The Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group (CDG), a Main Street Iowa organization, has announced two (yes, two!) Shop Small Saturday events on two different Saturdays this year: Saturday, Nov. 5, and Saturday, Nov. 26, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day.
Each Shop Small Saturday will include a sign-up fishbowl event, where shoppers are encouraged to stop by Shop Small HQ, fill out a form with a cell phone number before they begin shopping. At the top of every hour, volunteers will reach into the fishbowl and call one registered shopper via cell phone. If the shopper can get back to the fishbowl in 10 minutes, they will receive $25 in Community Cash good for any business in Mount Vernon and Lisbon. At the bottom of the hour on both days, prizes and gifts from local retailers also will be given away
In addition to the fishbowl giveaways, two local businesses will give an additional $1,000 each in community cash to patrons. Mount Vernon Bank & Trust Co. will be giving away $1,000 in Community Cash at their facility at 206 1st St. SW, on Saturday Nov. 5, during banking hours while supplies last. And Lynch Ford Chevrolet, 410 Highway 30 West, will begin giving away vouchers in the weeks leading up to the Nov. 5, and encouraging customers to come back and pick up their Community Cash certificates in time to participate in the two events.
“In all, more than $2,500 in cash and prizes will be given away over these two days to give everyone the opportunity to love on our small businesses,” said Joe Jennison, Director of Main Street and Marketing for the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group. “Small businesses are the lifeblood of these two communities, and this is a day that all of us who love having access to 32 Main Street mom-and-pop small businesses can show their appreciation with their patronage. Mount Vernon-Lisbon is your Shop Small HQ this November.”
Shop Small Mount Vernon-Lisbon is part of the national Small Business Saturday campaign initiated by American Express and taking place throughout the country. As part of the local Mount Vernon-Lisbon event, shoppers will have opportunities to win prizes each of the two Saturdays.
“Small businesses, like small Iowa towns, are the back-bone of our nation and our economy,” said Catherine Kennedy, Chair of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon project. “Support for small businesses and small towns is necessary now more than ever. Please plan on joining us on both November 5 and 26 to Shop Small and give back to our small businesses!”
Shop Small Mount Vernon-Lisbon will take place rain or shine on Saturday, Nov. 5 and Saturday, Nov. 26, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. For the Nov. 26 event, the traditional date for Shop Small Saturday, an early bird prize giveaway of $100 in Community Cash sponsored by Right Frame of Mind will be added to the roster of prizes and giveaways. During the Nov. 5 event, a Community Cash gift of $100 sponsored by Lynch Ford Chevrolet will be given to one of the first 25 people in attendance. In all, more than $2,500 in Community Cash gift certificates and prizes will be given to shoppers over those two days. In case of inclement weather, updates on hours and event schedule will be posted to or through
About Mount Vernon
Historic Mount Vernon, Iowa, is home to 4500 residents, including1200 college students enrolled at Cornell College. Located in Eastern Iowa at the intersection of Highways 30 and 1, 20 miles north of Iowa City and 15 miles east of Cedar Rapids, it boasts a vibrant uptown business community with numerous antique and specialty stores, restaurants, coffee houses, commercial art galleries, and three National Historic Districts.
About the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group
The Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group exists to improve the social and economic well-being of Mount Vernon and Lisbon by capitalizing on their unique identity, assets, and character. Mount Vernon was selected as a Main Street community in 2008, and practices economic development within the context of historic preservation.
About Main Street
The Main Street Approach is a copyrighted process of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The Program has been used in Iowa since 1986 with a total of 56 communities having participated. Mount Vernon was selected as a Main Street community on March 4, 2008, by the State of Iowa, after submitting a comprehensive application and presenting to a select board of reviewers.