Featured Business of the Day
Salon 30, 941 W. Business 30, Lisbon
Stylists: Michelle Bakke and Lauren Hoffman
Esthetician: Amy Neihaus 319-213-6400
Massage Therapists: Barbara Lob 319-361-6463 and Nicole Sander 319-480-4219
Hours: Currently by appointment only
Monday thru Friday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.;
Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Contact: (319) 455-3253, salon
(319) 310-6588 (Michelle’s cell phone)
(319) 540-0107 (Lauren’s cell phone)
facebook.com/salon 30 spa and tanning
facebook.com/Lauren hoffman hair
Sales: Salon offers phone sales, curbside pickup, and delivery of salon products
Direct shipping available
Safety: Salon 30 is following all IDPH Guidlines. Employees wear facemasks
Customers are expected to wear facemasks into salon
Stations are enclosed, separated by walls
Stations are sanitized after every client service
Also: Massage therapists, estheticians and tanning available by appointment
Quote: “This community has been so supportive and understanding” – Michelle Bakke